
Today I wanted to write about Watcher (Ir) a class of angelic beings from the books of Daniel and Enoch. Watchers are angels sent to Earth that watch over humans. However, some began to lust after human women so we’re unable to return to heaven. Some Watchers took human wives resulting in the Nephilim. SomeContinue reading “Watcher”


Today I wanted to write about Sachiel a Christian Cabbalist angel associated with Thursday, Jupiter, wealth, and protection from illness. He is the leader of the Cherubim. His name is often written three times on talismans to protect from diseases. Sources:


Today I wanted to write about Jophiel, an Abrahamic angel who guards divine knowledge. Jophiel is one of the few angels to be written about in mostly femminie pronouns. She’s the companion of Metatron. She was the teacher of the sons of Noah (Ham, Japheth, and Shem). She is the angel of Chokmah, one ofContinue reading “Jophiel”


Today, I wanted to write about Cassiel, an angel associated with Saturn, Aquarius, Capricorn, North, and Saturday, as well as the angel of death for young men. Cassiel is the ruler of the seventh Heaven and is one of only eight angels to have other angels under his command. He is sometimes invoked to findContinue reading “Cassiel”


Today for spooky season I wanted Samael, a Jewish & Muslim fallen Angel and former Watcher who brings knowledge and death. Samael is sometimes the partner of Lilith after she left Adam. With Lilith they created numerous demons including Asmodeus, afterwards Yahweh made Samael infertile by taking away his genitals. The serpent from the gardenContinue reading “Samael”

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