
Continuing with canine spirits for Lupercalia, I wanted to write about Duamutef, a Kemetic funerary deity of the stomach, and East. He’s a son of Horus and Isis. Or Osiris and Isis, however this may be a miss translation of grandfather as father. His imagery was common in burial chambers and on canoptic jars forContinue reading “Duamutef”


Continuing with spooky season I wanted to write about Hapy, a Kemetic funerary deity of the lungs, North, and a protector of Osiris. He’s a son of Horus and Isis or Serqet. He is often depicted as a baboon. His imagery was common in burial chambers and on canoptic jars for the lungs. Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hapi_%28Son_of_Horus%29?wprov=sfla1


Continuing with spooky season I wanted to write about Imset, a Kemetic funerary deity of the liver, emotions and South. He’s a son of Horus and Isis. His imagery was common in burial chambers and on canoptic jars for the liver. He was sometimes said to be responsible for deaths caused by emotions. Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imset?wprov=sfla1


For spooky season I wanted to write about Qebehsenuef, a kemetic funerary deity associated with the intestines, and the west. He’s one of the four sons of Horus, who are sometimes the five aspects of the soul (with Horus) and all being aspects of the same god, other times they are sons of Horus (theContinue reading “Qebehsenuef”

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