
Happy Yule to all those celebrating. Yule also know as The Julblot is a Germanic pagan holiday celebrating the return of life to the world with large feasts of the food that wouldn’t survive the harsh winter months. Yule takes place on the winter solstice which has the smallest amount of day light hours. YuleContinue reading “Yule”

Midsummer/Litha/Adonia/Kupala Night/Jāņi

I know many people celebrated yesterday but I’m doing my sumer solstice celebrations today. History: Litha (wicca, heathenry), Adonia (Hellenism) Kupala Night (Rodnovery), Jāņi (Romuva) and Midsummer (Druidry/celtic paganism, and Heathenry) are all celebrations of the summer solstice. Midsummer is also celebrated by Christians as St. John’s day, this is the most well documented MidsummerContinue reading “Midsummer/Litha/Adonia/Kupala Night/Jāņi”

Yggdrasil Day & Gaia’s Day

Happy Yggdrasil day if you’re celebrating. Yggdrasil day in a modern/neopagan Heathen celebration of midgaurd, nature, and the place humans have in the nine worlds. Many yggdrasil day celebrations are borrowed from earth day celebrations such as planting trees and picking up litter. Some Hellenic neopagans celebrate Gaia’s day a day to honour the earthContinue reading “Yggdrasil Day & Gaia’s Day”

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