
Today I wanted to write about Birutė, a Lithuanian goddess/deified historical figure. Birutė was a priestess to Gabija. When Grand Duke Kęstutis heard of her beauty he travelled from far away to propose to her, she initially refused because of her devotion to the gods but he eventually kidnapped her for their wedding. Together theContinue reading “Birutė”


Last month I received a request to write about Lauma, also spelt Laumė, a Baltic goddess of weather, and forests, who is a protector of humans, especially children. Lauma was engaged to Perkūnas but the two never married as Lauma fell in love with the moon and Perkūnas married Saulė, the sun goddess. In otherContinue reading “Lauma”


Today I wanted to write about Saulė, a Lithuanian and Latvian goddess of the sun. She was married to Mēness but he had an affair with Aušrinė so Perkūnas punishment Mēness by cutting him up (causing the Lunar Cycle). After the two separated they did not want to see eachother but still wanted to seeContinue reading “Saulė”


Continuing with spooky season I wanted to write about Peckols, a Baltic god of the underworld and the dead. He is related to the Gods Perkūnas and Potrimpo, possibly brothers. He was somewhat associated with Pluto. He was worshiped alongside Perkūnas and Potrimpo at the temple of Romowe. Sources:


I feel like I rarely write about balto-salvic deities and wanted to change that by writing about Gabija, a Lithuanian deity of Fire and the home. She wanders the earth in the form of a cat, stork, chicken, or human an brings those who disrespect her to an ill fate. She has been synchronized withContinue reading “Gabija”

Midsummer/Litha/Adonia/Kupala Night/Jāņi

I know many people celebrated yesterday but I’m doing my sumer solstice celebrations today. History: Litha (wicca, heathenry), Adonia (Hellenism) Kupala Night (Rodnovery), Jāņi (Romuva) and Midsummer (Druidry/celtic paganism, and Heathenry) are all celebrations of the summer solstice. Midsummer is also celebrated by Christians as St. John’s day, this is the most well documented MidsummerContinue reading “Midsummer/Litha/Adonia/Kupala Night/Jāņi”


It’s now April! Yay. because I already wrote about the goddess Aphrodite, which April is named after one of her epithets, I wanted to talk about another goddess associated with the month, Milda, a Baltic goddess of love and courtship. With the lack of myths surrounding Milda some historians doubt a historical existence of herContinue reading “Milda”


One of the pantheons I hadn’t really looked into before is the Baltic one or I guess ones because there are slight differences between Latvian, Lithuanian, and Estonian. Writing about Perkūnas is a bit of an excuse for looking into Baltic paganism as a whole. Perkūnas is a Baltic god of the sky, thunder, lightning,Continue reading “Perkūnas”

Common paths and their symbols

I made these charts to show 20 different pagan paths and their symbols. Sources:

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