
At the beginning of the month I put out an ask on my Instagram story for any deities/demons/angels/spirits that people were interested in a blog post about and was asked to write about Delepitore a demonness associated wisdom, magic, divination, and sorcery. I couldn’t find much information on her besides a Tumblr post and aContinue reading “Delepitore”


For spooky season I wanted to write about some of my favorite chthonic deities, psychopomps, funerary deities, underworld deities, and death deities. Starting with Azrael an Abrahamic psychopomp sometimes called the angel of death. They have a scroll where they record all births and death. It is said he appears to Saints before they dieContinue reading “Azrael”


One of my friends recently got really into Genshin Impact and wanted me to write about Morax an Abrahamic demon from Solomonic magick. He’s associated with astrology, herbalism, crystals, and liberal sciences. He’s a bull with a man’s head and is a president/great earl of hell. Demonolters often work with him when trying to learnContinue reading “Morax”


It’s been about a month since the last time I’ve written about any Abrahamic Angels and have had Metaron on my to write about list for a bit so I’m finally getting around to it. They are an Abrahamic Angel closely associated with the veil. He is also called the scribe of heaven. He isContinue reading “Metatron”

Archangel Raphael

I haven’t written about any Abrahamic Angels before only a few demonic figures and wanted to branch out a bit by writing about Raphael, an Angel in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam often said to have domain over healing and is the patron of blind people, apothecaries, marriage, travelers, lovers, young people, nurses, doctors, pharmacists, shepherds,Continue reading “Archangel Raphael”


With the black Lilith moon tonight I wanted to write about Lilith, an Abrahamic demonness of evil, sex, homosexuals, desire, night, Abortions, disease, miscarriages, and infant deaths. Lilith was created by Yahweh/Allah at the same time as they created Adam. Lilith and Adam were created as a couple with Lilith ment to submit to herContinue reading “Lilith”

8 Semitic Pagan Symbols

It’s been a while but here’s the semitic (umbrella term including Babylonian paganism, Canaanite paganism, Sumerian/Mesopotamian paganism, Phoenician paganism, Jewitchery, and others sometimes including Zoroastrian beliefs but not always) part of my pagan symbols series.

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