
With the full moon last night I wanted to write about a lunar deity and my friend recommended I write about Kalfu, a Vodou loa of the moon, crossroads, curses, destruction, and magic. He’s a petwo aspect of the loa Papa Legba. Unlike most loa he is not synchronized with a Catholic Saint but ratherContinue reading “Kalfu”

Guede Nibo

One of my friends asked if I could write about the Vodou Loa Guede Nibo for Pride month so that’s what I’m writing about today. Guede Nibo is a psychopomp and healer deity also associated with homosexuality. He is the adopted son of Baron Samedi and Maman Brigitte. He was once a beautiful mortal butContinue reading “Guede Nibo”

Baron Samedi

My friend who practices Voodoo recommended I write about Baron Samedi during pride month as he is bisexual and often crossdresses. I decided to write about him today as it is Saturday (the day sacred to Baron Samedi) and it is close to fathers day. He is a Vodou and Voodoo loa of death, theContinue reading “Baron Samedi”


I got a request from a friend who practices Louisiana voodoo to write some posts about the Loa. For my first post on any Loa I wanted to write about Damballah, a Loa of the sky, intellect, fire, and creation in Haitian vodou and Louisiana voodoo. Damballah is the first creation of Gran Maître. DependingContinue reading “Damballah”

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